Our patrons and fans all around the world have been the lifeblood of DOJO Bar. Without you we never would have had our 9 years as the social hub of Okinawa’s martial arts community. Now we are starting the DOJO Bar 2.0 project and are inviting you to join the project from the start for our “HAJIME!” Let’s go!

We really appreciate all the messages of support, and encouragement to bring back The DOJO Bar. Please keep them coming! Now we really need to start raising funds to get this project underway. 

To get the operation up and running, we are putting a call out for potential team members, investors, and donors! For many of us, finances are tight, but you can help out with any amount you wish as a donation to seeing our favourite karate bar up and running again. In return we have a unique idea to show our gratitude and put your name on the wall even before opening.

Showing our appreciation 

Over the years, The DOJO Bar has got a lot of love from all around the world, and we want to reciprocate!

As our plans take shape there will be more ways to get involved, and to contribute, but at this early stage we have put the following packages together to show our appreciation. Here are some of the ways to help us out:

Donating for the DOJO Bar KANSHAIN NAFUDAKAKE display

“KANSHAIN” – in Japanese means “appreciated members”
We need your help to get back into business and we have a unique way to show you our gratitude at the new DOJO Bar to our “kanshain”.
Many of you already know about the wooden name tags hanging from the walls of dojo, these are called “nafuda” and show the names of members, supporters and people of significance to the dojo. Make a donation to the DOJO Bar Revival fund and your Name on a nafuda will take pride of place along the top of the wall in DOJO Bar 2.0 and will be a permanent reminder of the people that helped bring us back. In keeping with nafudakake tradition, display order is ranked in significance, so there is now a chance for your contribution to secure a noticeable and permanent place on our wall.

A traditional Nafudakake display

Dojo Mon tiles

A great tradition at The DOJO Bar was for visitors to sign the wall and pin up their dojo logo, a point of pride for many visiting dojo owners and members. At DOJO Bar 2.0 it will be a bit more structured for dojos and organisations. Above the easy to reach signing space will be a permanent display of tiles with the name and logo (MON) of our supporter and contributor dojos and organisations. A Dojo Mon Tile is available to donors of $100 or more. Reserve your spot and send us your design, or come fix your tile personally.


Prebuy discount vouchers to use at DOJO Bar 2.0

We will be offering 20% discount vouchers redeemable for food and drink available for pre-purchase online. Purchase a 5000 yen voucher (worth 6000 yen) or a 10,000 yen voucher (worth 12,000 yen), which will be valid for up to 2 years. Even if it’s going to be a while before you can make it to the island yourself, these vouchers make perfect gifts for friends that will soon be here on their karate pilgrimage. Gifting options will be available.

Brand new merchandise coming soon

You can always use a new t-shirt or two right….Then why not wear your support for our revival! A new DOJO Bar 2.0 range of merchandise is in the works, so keep an eye out for updates on the DOJO Bar Facebook page and the Challenge Okinawa website. Can’t wait for the new line up, then visit our shop for the classic merch we have available. Every little bit helps toward getting the bar back up and running.